Heavenly Doves

Top 150 Funeral Songs

funeral songs and memorial music
Funeral Songs

Popular Songs and Music played at funerals and memorials

This page is a list of possible funeral songs. Are you looking for a beautiful piece of music…just the perfect funeral song to remember someone you love? A fitting tune to say goodbye? You have come to the right place!

To me, music is one of the most important aspects of a funeral service. In my previous business (releasing white doves) I have been to plenty of funerals and I am always interested in what music gets played at each funeral service. Even if I have never met the person that is being remembered, I can learn a lot about them by the music that is played at their funeral. It is part of the emotional reflection of a person’s life.

The funeral songs chosen to be played for your loved one will be like a treasure for you and the family and friends of your loved one as time passes and as you are processing the grief. Whenever you want to take time to remember that person, you can play their funeral songs. If you randomly hear their funeral songs on the radio, it will be a nice time to spontaneously reflect and remember that person and the good times you shared.

This funeral song list is quite long, but by no means complete. If you know of other suitable funeral songs, you are welcome to Send in Your Song Recommendations Here

The music is listed in the alphabetical order of the first name of the artist or group eg. Michael Jackson is under M

See Also:

* Country Music Funeral Songs

* Funeral Songs for Little Angels (Babies and Children)

* Classical and Instrumental Funeral Music and Hymns

Popular Contemporary Funeral Songs

* Moments by Bliss & Eso featuring Gavin James 

[Warning: this song contains explicit lyrics that may offend some people]

Thanks to the extremely talented Sheree Brittain and her extensive CD collection for providing some of the song list.
Special thanks also to the many people who have sent in suggestions in the comments form below, and people who make suggestions on various forums around the internet. 

Need more ideas for funeral and memorial songs?

Click here to read 100’s of funeral song reviews


What are the best funeral songs?

What is the best song you ever heard at a funeral? 
What song do you want played at your funeral? 
Do you ever hear a song on the radio and it brings back memories of a funeral you attended?
Are you a musician with an original song that could be added to our list?
Share your story in the comments below 🙂

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